Christian Articles

Mrs Elizabeth Tetteh

You must be born-again!

John 3:1-7 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. 2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him." 3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born [a]again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." 4 Nicodemus said to Him, "How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" 5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit. 7 Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'

Who must be born-again?

Anybody who has reached the accountability stage must be born-again.

Why must we be born-again?

Gen 3:6-7 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

Man became a sinner when he took the fruit from the tree that God said he should not eat, so he sinned. The devil played on the minds of Adam and Eve, so they sinned. We need to win the battle of sin that starts from our minds. 

What happens when one is born-again?  

Born again is spiritual first. First, our spirit man receives this experience. It then allows our minds to read and accept the teachings in the Bible. With time, our mind is renewed and will get the things of God. As the mind meditates on God's ways, it changes and begins to know healthy and unhealthy thoughts. Our body responds to this change by losing its desire to sin or be involved in sin. 

How to be born-again?

Romans 10:9-10 That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation.


1. Confess Jesus as your Lord.

2. Believe Jesus died on the cross for you, and God raised him from the dead.

So born again is through your belief in Jesus Christ through the word of God being preached to you, accepting and confessing it.

Can one be prayerful, doing good and need not be born-again? 

In Acts 10, there was a man called Cornelius, a good man, one that fears God, giving alms to his community, yet was not born again until one day an angel appeared to him to send for Peter to come and preach the Gospel to him and his households to be born again. 

So please, whoever is in the church and has not yet received Christ into your heart, your good deeds cannot save you. It is never too late, but the right time is now to escape the hellfire.

God bless you for making the right decision now. Amen!


Ms Agnes Korletey

Seeking the Lord for a change and eternal life - the story of Lazarus

John 11:17-37. We will focus mainly on the phrase: ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life,’ as spoken by Jesus Christ.

The key verses are:

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 

26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

Resurrection and life are two different events. Everyone who died before the second coming of Jesus Christ will be resurrected, but not all will be given life.

Only those who have the seal of the Holy Spirit in their lives. The distinctive character that marks those who will receive life is this; those who believe in Jesus, not those who once believed in Him. Our faith must be alive and active. It is, therefore, not enough to remember when we gave our lives to Jesus or when we were baptised or had the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives but whether we still have an active faith in Him now. Again, faith in Jesus does not exclude us from physical death, but death will not be the end of our lives. Those physically dead or presently alive are all alive and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Not all of us who are presently living will die; some will see the Lord coming in the cloud with His angels (Mark 13:26; Rev 1:7), and in a twinkle of an eye, they will be clothed with immortality and will be with Him forever (1 Corinthians 15:52). 

Martha and Mary said, "Lord, if you have been here, my brother would not have died."

Jesus was moved by the weeping of Mary, Martha and her friends. He was deeply troubled not only for Lazarus but also by the vacuum his absence had created in the lives of his family and friends. Lazarus might have helped many people with his wealth, but his death was a shock. They expressed their love in uncontrollable weeping. Their weeping ascended into the heavens, and the Father heard their cry, and Jesus was there to answer their request.

Jesus is now faced with death holding down the body of Lazarus in the tomb. Jesus fully God and Man asked the people where they had laid him. This is not to say He did not know where Lazarus was laid to rest but to involve everyone present in the miracle that was about to take place. And the response from the people was, 'Come and see.' In John 1:39-41, Jesus invited his new disciples to come and see where He lived, but in verse, He was invited into a dead man's tomb; what a contrast. A contrast that would bring a change of life to many and deepen their belief in Him as the One sent by God indeed.

Then Jesus wept, the shortest verse in the Bible yet speaks volumes. There are different reasons why Jesus wept, but the people only related it to His love for Lazarus.

Firstly, He wept because death was not part of the plan when God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit decided to create man. God wanted man to live forever in his body, but we were sold into a slavery of sin, and death became the necessary enemy to confront evil. Death became a weapon the devil used to enslave and torment the human race. 

Secondly, the state of Lazarus reminds Jesus of what will happen to Him in the few days to come. His enemies will cut him off from the land of the living, but God will turn that for the whole world's good. Through His death, He took the keys of death and set all of us who come, who were once captives of Satan, free. 

Thirdly, because of what will occur in Jerusalem in some years to come. The law teachers wanted to maintain peace with their master, Rome; they deliberately rejected Jesus. Little did they know that Rome would wage war against Israel and ruin their city and the temple they loved. This war happened in March 70 AD and ended in September 70 AD. 

Fourthly, Jesus also wept for His people, the Jews. He came so they might believe in Him, but the majority do not believe in him today; most are still waiting for the Messiah. 

Fifthly, Jesus wept because even with all the works He did to prove He came from the Father. They accepted His works but rejected the Person. Even today, many people have received the miracles of Jesus Christ but refused to accept Him as the Saviour. 

Sixthly, hell is made for humans but for Satan and his angels. Unfortunately, those who reject Him will end up there. His death and resurrection have not benefited them. In hell, it will be too late to believe and repent. 

Lastly, there is no other way to the Father but through Jesus. Whether one is a Jew or Gentile, we must all accept and put our faith in Him while we are alive. We must make our own decision concerning Him today. Many are following other ways because there is no logic in the chosen plan of God for salvation. Whether you believe in God or not, the only way to God is Jesus; any other way will lead to death, and final separation from the Father forever. 

I believe every soul that perishes brings pain and weeping to Jesus.

I was in a Tuesday evening prayer meeting at my local church, and a lady brought in a painting of Jesus Christ weeping. I asked her why this painting, and she told me she saw Jesus weeping. I believe she saw the weeping Christ indeed. The painting spoke volumes to me about life and perhaps the church. 

Will Jesus Christ look upon our lives and His church and weep or rejoice?

Are we weeping for the unbelieving friends or family members equally loved by God? It will be a tragedy if they die without knowing Jesus Christ. 

The thought of these is enough to put a burden on our spirit. John Knox, a Scottish Presbyterian minister, cried out of his love for Scotland and said, 'God, give me Scotland, or I die.' Do we have weeping people again these days? People who will intercede and are willing to go the extra mile for the sake of dead situations until Jesus arrives on the scene? 

Lazarus wouldn't have had a chance of resurrection and life should Mary and Martha stay silent. Are we going to remain silent forever?  

A typical example of a heart yearning for the lost to be saved can be found in Luke 15:11-32, the story of the prodigal son. While his father awake early in the morning looking in the direction from which his younger son left home, his firstborn son did not care. This is not how it should be. The Lord made us firstborn with a responsibility.  It is for us to seek and find the lost with Him. We must be our neighbour's keeper, our friend's keeper and our family's keeper. Do our hearts ache or weep for the dying and unsaved people around us? Heaven is too big for all the past and present Christians alone. But we all have a part to play in bringing the lost home.

Unbelievers are dead spiritually to the things of God. That is why we should not be surprised if they refuse the gospel. Some are buried or have made their homes in graveyards, away from everyday life. Bringing them back is the greatest miracle and may involve a group of believers to stand in the gap. 

Lazarus, in this text, was a believer who died. In this state, he had no faith. The miracle he needed came from people around him. Could you imagine if he had no Mary, no Martha around? If he had not cultivated a relationship with Jesus before his death? If he died in a home of unbelievers? Or where people believe there is no God? If he died in a church that teaches miracles ended with Jesus and His first apostles? 

Nothing would have triggered all the above-mentioned people to seek Jesus for Lazarus’ resurrection.

I thank God that you are a true believer; not only that, but you also believe that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. What He did yesterday, He can do the same today. There is hope for every situation as a disciple and a servant of Jesus Christ.

Jesus here called people to remove the stone used to cover the tomb. Then Jesus cried out, 'Lazarus come forth'. This was the only prayer He needed because of His steady relationship with the Father. The dead man heard the voice of the faithful Shepard and responded. We are ambassadors of Jesus on earth. We can also decree by the authority given to us by Jesus Christ, and it shall come to pass. 

In James 5:14-15 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. 

15 And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Jesus called the dead, and he responded to His voice. We can do the same because Jesus said more wondrous works than this shall we do because we believe and He lives in us (John 14:12). 

After Lazarus was resurrected, Jesus told the people standing around to untie him, remove the ruined clothes, and put on him new clothing. People everywhere changed his clothes, bringing him from the graveyard to the dwelling of living people. The resurrection would have been incomplete should Lazarus have remained in his death clothes and left in the graveyard. People made a difference. 

Let us put it this way; Lazarus was sick, and his friends came to visit him at home. Mary and Martha had to stay with him so that they couldn't go for Jesus. Then immediately, one of their visitors said I would look for the Master, and the next person also said I would go. At least two people volunteered to go sought for the Master. They put all their plans for those few days for the sake of their friend, Lazarus. By then, they did not know where Jesus was, so it might have taken them longer to find Him. 

When Jesus finally came to the tomb of Lazarus, He asked who would roll the stone from the grave for the miracle to happen. Also, someone said I will, and the next person said I will. Here also, at least two people helped in rolling over the stone. After Lazarus was resurrected, Jesus asked who would untie and give him new clothing. Again, someone said I will and the next person I will. His friends untied him and took away his dead clothes, and a new cloth of life was put on him. They took him from the graveyard to a place of living people. 

Then lastly, we had some spectators who, although they did not participate in any of these, were witnesses to the truth and told the teachers, lawmakers and Pharisees of the miracle. Some still saw this miracle, didn’t partake in it, and didn’t share their experience with others. 

Those who said ‘I will’ made this miracle possible.

There is no perfect church yet; the duty of the Church and we Christians can be found in the steps by which this miracle took place. Sometimes, we must be actively involved in all these stages for a miracle like this. But sometimes, some people will walk into our church because they have just been resurrected, still in death clothes with graveyard experience; they need their clothes changed, nurtured in the things of Jesus, comforted and taken home. Be the one who sees the need in people and situations and an answer to problems. None of us is the resurrection and the life except Jesus, but we are needed to complete His work. 

When God sends these people to us, we should be careful not to drive them away by what we say or do, but we could clothe them if naked or treat their wounds if wounded. The Lord expects us to meet their needs and help them on their life journey.  The work of God in restoring a fellow believer or bringing people into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is too big for just one person; everyone is valuable and essential for this miracle to occur. We need to find the role He has called us into and do it. We may have Lazaruses in our families, workplaces and communities. Do we know who or what they are? We have the solution to the change we desperately desire to see or can be part of.

In the home of Mary and Martha, their brother was Lazarus, and they knew that Jesus was the only answer, and they sought Him, and He answered their call. Their mourning was turned into joy. They believed in the Lord, and He was there when all hope was lost. They received help from friends and loved ones who obeyed the Lord when He asked them to play their part. When Mary and Martha were weak, their friends did not let them down; they were there to help. The restoration of Lazarus brought joy to Mary and Martha, the whole community, and those who depended on him.

Lazarus also represents the holy things, plans, or ideas in our lives or others that the enemy killed. The enemy will not stop there but also frustrates us so that we do not seek the Lord for the change we need to bring Him glory. God might have laid on your heart something for His Kingdom; you might have started it and suddenly let it die. We might have started praying for a situation or someone, but we gave up because we didn't see the manifestation immediately. I suggest you revisit those godly dreams and purposes and ask the Lord to bring them to life. Although we should let go of things that do not glorify God, Lazarus must not be part of them. 

The resurrection of Lazarus was a demonstration of what will exactly happen on the last day. The souls of the children of God will be reunited with glorified bodies and taken home to be with God for eternity. But the ungodly and unbelieving will be resurrected but left in the graveyard to be tormented and separated from God forever. 



Mrs Victoria Teitey

The Lord is coming soon!

Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again John 14:2-3.

At the time of Christ’s ascension, while the disciples stood watching Him go up into Heaven, two angels appeared to them and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven”. Acts 1:11.

How will Jesus come?

The Bible said Jesus Christ would come as He ascended into Heaven. The disciples saw Jesus return to Heaven; those living when He comes again will see Him.

When is Jesus coming?

Does any man know the exact time of the Lord’s coming? We should be ready for His coming at all times. The proper attitude of Christians is constantly looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus.

What are the signs of Jesus Christ coming?

Wars - There have always been wars, but Jesus said a significant increase or rise in the number of wars in the World would mark the times. He said, “for nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom (Matthew 24:7). 

Famines, Pestilence, Earthquakes - The Lord Jesus said, “there will be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.” Matthew 24:7

Israel - In 1948, Israel became a nation again. The Bible prophesied that God would bring His people back into their land in the last days, which was precisely fulfilled.

Peace - Efforts for true peace by the World will continue to fail and will until Jesus comes. He is the Prince of Peace, and there will be no peace in the World until He reigns. 

Great wickedness - “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will also be in the days of the son of man.” Luke 17:26. It was a time of great wickedness of the earth during the time of Noah. The same will be a sign unto us. 

Apostasy - It means falling away from the truth. Many seminaries and Bible school teachers and professors no longer believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. As Christians, we must be careful about the kind of teachers we listen to in order not to destroy our faith.

The Great Tribulation - The first part of the Antichrist’s reign will be a time of great prosperity on the earth. His reign will last for three and a half years. Then will come a time of great trouble and distress as God pours out His wrath on a wicked world. 

Signs in the Heavens - The sun will turn black, and the moon will turn blood red. There will be plagues, diseases, earthquakes, and famines on earth. One-third of the inhabitants of the World will be killed. 

After the terrible events of the Great Tribulation, the Lord Jesus will return to earth in great power and glory. He will destroy His enemies and set up His Kingdom here on earth. The Bible says, “The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 2Thessalonians 1:7-8.



Ms Vida Adu-Amankwah

Why pray?

Our prayers may need to be more comfortable. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers make a difference by Max Lucado.

As Christians, there are so many reasons why we should pray. In prayer, believers communicate (two-way spiritual fellowship) with their creator. As children enjoy talking to their fathers, that is what prayer is like for Christians. Prayer allows us to ask our heavenly Father for what He has for us and get advice and guidance from Him. Prayer is a way for us to invite God into our lives. 

Jesus, our role model in prayer

Matthew 11:29 tells us what we should learn from our Lord Jesus. So with that in mind, let's look at the life of Jesus Christ when it comes to praying. 

Jesus Christ did everything to glorify God, even in His prayer life. Throughout the scriptures, Jesus was always praying. Jesus taught us to pray alone (Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16), pray in public (John11:41-42, John 12:27-30), and pray before having a meal (Matthew 26:26). He before making any decisions (Luke 6:12-13). He prayed to heal (Mark 7:34-35), and after healing the sick (Luke 5:16). He prayed to ask for the Father's will (Matthew 26:36-44). 

From these examples, Jesus devoted himself to prayer, retreating to a quiet place in the morning to pray. Jesus repeatedly sought solitude, where He would spend time with the Father. He made time or room to have fellowship with God. 

Jesus is God and a man, yet He spent time praying and seeking the Father. So how do more of us spend time with God in prayer? 

We need to pray more. Apart from all the benefits above, we also develop or build a stronger relationship with our Maker. It also becomes a discipline to spend time alone with Jesus.


Dr Prince Jones

I am the good Shepherd!

A shepherd is synonymous with a caretaker. According to the KJV in John 10:11,” I am the good Shepherd: the good Shepherd giveth his life for the sheep”. The word “shepherd” in this verse depicts our Lord Jesus Christ, who died to save us from the devil’s curse after man departed from the presence of God in the Garden of Eden.
As believers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have realised He is our guide and director.
According to “Isaiah 53:6”, All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his way, and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

After the separation of man from God’s presence in the Garden of Eden, men sort to take their path, but God never gave up on men. He always uses His servants and tries to connect man to Himself even when men sort to go their own ways. Shepherds never give up on their flocks, and God never gave up on us as His children. He always looks for ways to reunite with us.

In Luke 15:4,” Jesus used parable” to describe the significance of one flock to the Shepherd, as believers of our Lord Jesus Christ who have been given the mandate of Sonship by inheritance. We have received the Shepherd Status to care for those who come to the house of God.
Some of the responsibilities of Shepherd include: 

A provider; according to Psalm 23, The psalmist made it clear that because the Lord is his Shepherd, He continually provides for Him. This means that Christians or believers, when given the responsibility of being Shepherd, are not to explore our flocks, but we are to ensure that they never lack.

He protects. Shepherds always have their eyes on their flock, ensuring none is missing, sick or destroyed. Jesus proved this to us in Romans” 5;8, while we were sinners, Christ died for us. “

Shepherds direct their flock; they not only feed their flock but also provide direction to their congregation. As followers of Christ, we are required by the principles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul mentioned it in “1Corinthian 11:1, Follow my examples as I follow Christ”.

The Shepherd has a voice; in John 10, Jesus says His sheep know His voice. This is very significant. Every sheep must know the voice of His Shepherd to avoid distractions from other shepherds. Unfortunately, many Christians have deaf ears toward the voice of their Shepherd; instead, they hear the voice of other shepherds different from theirs. This confuses their growth and, most of the time makes them vulnerable to predators, mainly the devil.

In conclusion, believers can not walk through the journey without a Shepherd in their Christian lives. When we come to the realisation that our Shepherd who is Jesus Christ, already knows us and He has and is always willing to accept us, it will make us conscious of the benefit that we have as sheep and prevent us from wolves who present themselves as sheep to come into our lives and destroy us as mentioned in “Mathew 7;15”.These wolves could be False Prophets and others claiming to hear God better than us because of our disconnection from our Shepherd.


Mr Stepthen Tetteh

The Importance of the Spirit of God

1. The Spirit is the anointing

The Spirit or anointing can lead you to the right people (poor) who genuinely need the word. But, unfortunately, the poor are yet to receive Christ as their Lord and saviour Eph 2:12. The Spirit shall direct our path to these people. 

2. Is the Spirit that endured you with power (dunamis power)Acts 1: 8

A preacher can only be able to profess the good news if you are clothed with power from on high. You can only witness Jesus to an unbeliever after the Spirit of God empowers you. That's why Jesus told his disciples to tarry in Jerusalem before his departure to heaven until they received the promise of the Father, the Holy GhostActs 2:1-4.

3. The Spirit is the Spirit of knowledge

It takes the Holy Spirit to fully direct us to teach the complete undiluted word of God earnestly Isaiah 11:2, Eph 1:17. Without the Holy Spirit; one could only preach enticing words to men, which will not yield any result of saving the souls of men 1 Cor 2:4. Preaching must demonstrate the power of the Spirit of God.

4. The Spirit gives you the boldness to proclaim the good news

One would be fearful and timid without the courage of the Spirit of God.

Peter and his colleagues could only stand and preach the Gospel because they were all filled with the power of the Holy Ghost Acts 4:13,29 & 31

 Who qualifies to receive the Spirit of God

All born-again Christians Acts 2:4

How to receive the Spirit of God

1 Ask the Father in the name of Jesus Luke 11:13

2. Laying on of hands by a true man of God Acts 19:1-7

So is my desire and prayer that you shall be filled with the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel and never be afraid appropriately. God richly you!


My hope for life in eternity is because Jesus Christ has risen from the dead

1 Corinthians 15:12  Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?

Jesus did not only take on the form of a human being, worked all manner of miracles, and was crucified and buried, but He also resurrected. During the day of Jesus, the resurrection was a controversial subject. The main groups of the church did not agree on this subject. The Pharisees and Sadducees only became friends on how to arrest Jesus and crucify Him. The Jews believe in the resurrection of the dead on the last day. If the resurrection is to bring the dead to life, then we have some examples to refer to before Paul became a Christian. Elisha brought back the Shunammite son to life (2 Kings 4:18-37), Jesus brought back Lazarus to life (John 11), and Peter brought back Dorcas to life (Acts 9:36-42). But the resurrection of Jesus is more than this. It is more than a single achievement. It means:


Firstly, the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of all sins has been accepted by God

Jesus Christ was resurrected and alive, not left in the grave dead like any of the great people we know. We were on that cross with Him and died with Him. Our names were written on His body so He could present us to the Father on His resurrection. Paul said I have been crucified with Christ, the life I now live, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me (Galatians 2:20). His sacrifice was perfect and accepted; therefore, our sins are forgiven through Him. All sins confessed through Jesus and genuinely repented are guaranteed to be forgiven. 


Secondly, Jesus' resurrection has become our benefit

He could have gone to His Father, our Father, without appearing to anyone. He did not need any approval from men to make Him who He was. But, instead, he showed Himself to men for our benefit. So that they could have a living testimony of Him and share it with others; if Jesus arose, then His children would resurrect on the last day because Jesus resides in them.


Thirdly, it is a sign and a change of order

Through Adam, all men have sinned, sold into the slavery of sin and are dead because we are his descendants. But through Christ, we have received a new birth which is spiritual but has physical implications. Just like in the beginning when God created man in His image, we have now received a new birth and become a new creation in Christ Jesus. We are a sign of a new beginning, for the old nature is in the past, and we must not return for it anymore. Our lost relationship with the Father God is now restored because of Jesus Christ.


Fourthly, it means death is conquered and has become an entry point into eternal life

Our confidence is that when our spirits depart from these bodies and rest in heaven for a while, they will be clothed with glorified bodies one day. We are the only group of people of faith with this assurance. It was why the first apostles and Christians of the first century could embrace martyrdom without fear. 


We don't know how we will leave this world, but we should remember how some of the church's fathers made their way into eternity without fear. We should fear the One who can kill the body and afterwards throw the soul into hell than mortal men. 


Fifthly, His resurrection is the most excellent witness of the Gospel

Jesus appeared to His disciples and many more, including Paul (1 Corinthians 15:5-9). They saw Him, ate with Him, touched Him and felt His wounds. He was the same person they knew but with much more abilities than in His former body. Paul became an eyewitness of the risen Christ on his way to Damascus (Acts 9). Jesus' resurrection became the biggest threat to His enemies who plotted His death. When the soldiers realised that Jesus had arisen from the dead, they ran and reported what happened to the chief priest and the elders. They then bribed these soldiers to say that when they were asleep, His disciples came and stole His body (Matthew 28:11-15). The effect of this spoken lie is still in operation today.


What are the implications if Jesus didn't resurrect?

1. It means no distinction between our faith and any other worldly faith.

2. There is no resurrection for any Christian. If our master, the one in whom we put our faith, didn't resurrect, we cannot do what He couldn't do.

3. Our physical and spiritual baptism, which takes place in us, confirms our new birth and life in Christ, which will become meaningless. Therefore, baptism is not just a declaration of separating ourselves from the sins of Adam, personal sins and curses of this world and now being made righteous, translated from darkness into the light but also from death to life.


In conclusion, all true believers will be resurrected and given glorified bodies on the last day because Jesus Christ is risen. It is a true and righteous doctrine we must remember and hold fast to. The church of Corinth would have prevented most of her troubles should they stay awake. Any declaration other than the simple Gospel presented by Christ and His apostles, we must check it carefully, no matter who delivered it. Amen

By Brother Eric


Mrs Vida Adjetey

The redemptive power of the Blood of Jesus Christ

The blood of Jesus redeems all who come to Him and receive Him. Redemption is saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. Living in a fallen world, as Christians, we will experience trials and tribulations and struggle with some temptations. We are forgiven, but GOD is not finished with us yet. The blood of animals was not able to atone for our sins. The book of Hebrews says the old system under the law of Moses was a shadow, a dim preview of the good things to come, not the good things themselves. The sacrifices under that system were repeated again and again, year after year, but they could not provide perfect cleansing for those who came to worship. If they could have provided perfect purification, the sacrifice would have stopped, for the worshipers would have been purified once and for all times, and their feelings of guilt would have disappeared.

But instead, those sacrifices reminded them of their sins, and the blood of bulls and goats couldn't take away sins. For this reason, God sent His only begotten son to this world to die a shameful death to deliver you and me from our sins. 

Isaiah 44:22 I have blotted out, like a thick cloud, your transgressions, and like a cloud, your sins. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.

Jesus Christ paid it all on the cross to redeem us from hellfire; therefore, having been made whole, let us walk in the liberty Christ has given us. We should not let ourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery more Gal 5:1. For he whom the son of man set free, is free indeed.

We are free because of Jesus Christ. The word Apeleutheros is a man who was born into slavery and received freedom. This refers to spiritual freedom. He that was in bondage to sin has been presented with spiritual freedom by the LORD, for he that is called in the LORD being a servant is the LORD's freeman. So likewise, he who has become a servant of Christ is also free in Him. Having been saved from our sins by the blood of the LAMB and faith in Christ, we have been made right with GOD through the death of His Son. 

Redemption is the greatest gift God gave to humankind because He did not want heaven without us. He brought heaven down through Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as a ransom to all.

Therefore, let us present ourselves as a vessel of honour for the Master's use even as we wait for His second coming. Amen!
