These are some of the few reasons why you should join us in doing the work of God
1. Millions of people have not yet heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your input is essential.
2. You have a voice and anointing from the Lord, which are needed to bring God-given change.
3. The Holy Spirit, Holy Saints and Holy Angels are waiting to partner with you for the mission God has called you to do.
4. You will be richly welcome home into eternal glory because you have chosen the Kingdom of God and its righteousness first.
1. Pray for the workers for the Lord to be able to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
2. Pray for world leaders to come to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
3. Pray for the church to be able to send more missionaries into the world
4. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sins and come to the full knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ
5. Pray for doors to open in the most challenging places in the world for Jesus Christ to be preached.
Evangelism projects
Evangelism - Sakumono, Ghana
We know that the Easter season is a time to show love and care to others, as Christ demonstrated two thousand and twenty-three years ago.
The Apostolic Church organised the reach-out, led by the evangelism team, to a Sakumono Village community.
The primary purpose is to show love to the people and tell them Jesus Loves them; that is why He died on the cross to save us.
The targeted group was Christians who stopped attending church and told unbelievers that Jesus Christ loved them.
The outcome was fantastic. Sixteen believers promised to return to worship with us again—three new converts. We will do a follow-up to ensure they are firm in Christ.
Spiritual emphasis for the month
2 Timothy 2: 20
But in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honour and some for dishonour.
Prayer for the month
Lord, please help me as I prepare and become a vessel of honour unto You to be used. Amen!
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